August Still Life With Flickr Theme: Food & People

I spend a lot of time focusing on the nitty gritty details of food… the sheen of the chocolate, the drip of the syrup, are there the right number of crumbs? In fact, July’s challenge, Sugar, really was all about the details, producing some really wonderful shots that were ooey-gooey, colorful, or just simply sugary. It was also great that folks started to participate more and leave comments! Critiquing helps us all develop… so keep it up!
This month, it’s time to step back and get some perspective. If a tart sits in a forest with no one around, does anyone taste it? What a waste of a tart! Let’s see your shots that feature both Food and People. People eating, people thinking about eating, maybe people who have just eaten & have some sticky memories of their treat. Faces aren’t a requirement… the hint of a person will do and bring a new kind of context to your photo. Here’s a hint: if you have access to one, kids make great models with food!
If you think you might want to use the photos you take as stock photos, don’t forget to get a model release! Model releases are pretty simple legal documents… you can see examples here and here.
Oh, and as a side note, I’ve started tagging my Still Life With comment feedback with “[Still Life With… theme X]” so people understand the comments a bit more. Feel free to follow along with this convention… but you don’t have to either. But do keep the comments coming.
The usual rules and are up on the Flickr group… the things like be constructive, take the photos during the month if possible, 3 photos per person and the last day is August 31st.
Have fun!
(PS.: If you get your 3 photos done, and want more to do, make sure you participate in Foodography #8. This month’s theme is Liquid!)
Technorati Tags: Food, Meme, Photography
that is a great (though difficult) theme.
I will link back to you from my Foodography post now it has been announced, I kept checking to see when the announcement would be made.
Thank you for sharing the links to the model release forms. That’s really considerate and foresightful of you. I’m filing those away for much future reference!
Thanks Sam! I agree… getting people in the photos changs the whole equation! I did some headshots recently and found all kinds of lighting issues that I wasn’t used to dealing with. It was fun though.
Shaula – Thanks! And I’m looking forward to seeing what you come up with!