Weekend Herb Blogging: Thai Pesto Pasta
I just realized that I have about 150 posts here on Cookbook 411, but not a one of them has been for Weekend Herb Blogging (created by Kayln, and this week hosted by 28 Cooks). Well, it’s about time to change that! Especially since I have more photo shoot leftovers (yes, I’m shooting professionally now!), this time of herbs. And I mean a ton of herbs! A whole big cooler full of oregano, sage, thyme, lemon grass, lime leaves, edible flowers, arugula, chives, rosemary, marjoram, savory, bay leaf, and about 10 others that I’m spacing right now.
Like basil. Especially basil. Between a big box of live basil plants, and several gallon-sized bags full of the most gorgeous basil of differing forms, I am going to have weekend herb blogging posts for the rest of the year.

I’m freezing it, drying it, giving it away, and I’m afraid that I’m still going to have some that doesn’t get used before it fades away. Yes, I am very, very lucky.

Last night I got to thinking about the basil, and in particular the big bag of Thai basil, and I got it into my head that I would make a Thai pesto. I thought that it would be a really unique dish, something no one else had thought of. Until I googled it this morning, and found 98,000 links that referred to Thai pesto. Oh well, it’s all been done before, but that doesn’t stop us from doing it again. I didn’t pay much attention to the other recipes, and instead proceed to make up my own combination of the basil, two stalks of lemon grass, a couple of lime leaves, green onion, a bit of chile, a dash of salt and sugar, and, the special ingredient: coconut cream & oil, about a heaping tablespoon each. Theorizing that the pesto needed a good fat to aid the flavor, coconut oil seemed like the perfect choice… it imparts just a hint of flavor and preserves well. However, I ended up wanting it to be a touch more coconutty, so I added some of the “heavy cream” off the top of a can of coconut milk. After whirling till smooth in the food processor, I let the pesto sit in the fridge for several hours before using. My bet is that it will be even better in a day or so, but already, it was a delicious, herby treat swirled in with some simple fine cut egg noodles.

PS: I still have a ton of basil to use… if you have suggestions, feel free to send them my way!
Entry for DMBLGIT Oct 2006.
Technorati Tags: Food, Food Styling, Meme, Photography, Weekend Herb Blogging, recipe, Seattle
Congratulations on your career! And the photographs are amazing, as always.
Yeah L. The way to go! I am so pleased to hear about your career shift. Many congratulations! The pics speak of themselves.
What a great problem to have, too many herbs! I’m so glad you decided to put some of them to use for the great sounding Thai Pesto. I’m quite sure I’d love it, since I seem to love all Thai dishes, at least all the ones I’ve tried so far! We’re so glad you shared this great creation with Weekend Herb Blogging.
Congrats on the photo career change too. I’m sure that anyone who reads your blog the least bit reguarly is not surprised at all. Your photos always inspire me.
I’m so happy to hear that you have reached your goal and that you now are shooting professionally! Inspiring! The basil boquet is a beautiful shot!
Fabulous photos! And your Thai basil pesto has me already writing my ingredients list. If only we had as much basil here as you do there!
Thanks all on the congrats! I am having a blast… who knew people would pay be to do the thing I love???
Sounds good and the photos are great.
I have a good recipe for Green Bean Soup with Basil Butter on my website. I love love love it.
I am catching up on some of your older posts, and they are so beautiful…this one is making my mouth water. These herbs look so fresh – makes me want Spring NOW!