STW Challenge for April: Think Pink!

I’m going to get a bit girly on you. I don’t get girly too often. But it’s April, and the flowers are blooming and the bees are buzzing, and I’m just soaking up the color. I spent last month getting inspired, finding some new artists, and am now quite obsessed with the pinks of Elisabeth Cölfen, Jaane Peters and Scott Peterson. So, let’s see your pink food stuffs… frostings, radishes, watermelons, easter eggs and berries (and dishes and linens count too… as long as there is still food in the photo).
Thanks to everyone who participated in Who Inspires You last month! I don’t know about you, but I certainly got some new inspiration out of it!
The usual rules and are up on the Flickr group… the things like be constructive, take the photos during the month if possible, 3 photos per person and the last day will be around April 30th, give or take a few days.
Technorati Tags: Food, Food Styling, Meme, Photography