Apricot and Blueberry Cobbler
I’m not sure why, but whenever I’m at the farmer’s market and pass by the apricot stand, I simply can’t resist picking up a “grab bag” whether or not I even wanted apricots. I’m sure it’s not about saving the 20 cents. I think it’s the mystery. I know there are apricots inside… the same apricots as are sitting there in the box that I could pick my way through to find only the best ones. But, no, I can’t resist the secrets that lie within the bag.
So, as usual, this year my house has been plentiful with apricots. As it turns out, one of those little grab bags is the perfect amount for a cobbler in this cool vintage blue bakeware I recently found.

The cobbler recipe comes from “The San Francisco Ferry Plaza Farmer’s Market Cookbook“, although with a few little tweaks here and there. Instead of using just all purpose flour, I substituted in a bit of cornmeal and added a bit of sugar, to give the crust a nuttier flavor. I also balked at the amount of sugar in with the actual fruit… 3/4 of a cup seemed like far, far too much as I added it, so I reduced mine to just over 1/4 cup and let the fruit juices add most of the sweetness. Between the apricots and blueberries, it was plenty sweet and juicy.
This cobbler was destined for a potluck party down the street, welcoming our friends home, so unfortunately, I didn’t get any photos of the inside. But trust me on this one, it was as pretty as a picture.

Apricot and Blueberry Cobbler
based on Gladys’s Apricot Cobbler from The San Francisco Ferry Plaza Farmer’s Market Cookbook
1 cup all purpose flour
1/3 cup cornmeal
1/2 t salt
1 T cane sugar + a bit more for sprinkling
1/3 cup vegetable oil
2 T milk + a bit more for the wash
3 cups sliced, pitted apricots
1 pint of blueberries
1/3 cup cane sugar
2 T all purpose flour
2 T unsalted butter, cut into small pieces
Preheat the oven to 425F.
Stir together the flour, cornmeal, salt and 1 T of sugar with a fork until well mixed. Whisk together the oil and 2 T of milk, and add to the dry ingredients. Stir with a fork until just combined, and then use your fingers to form the dough into a ball. Turn the dough out onto a piece of parchment or waxed paper, and press into a flat disc. Cover with another sheet of parchment or waxed paper, and gently roll out, from the center, to fit your baking pan (a deep dish pan, either 9 x 13 rectangle, or a 9 inch round). Set aside.

Fill the bottom of the baking dish with the apricots and blueberries. Shower the fruit, evenly, with the sugar and flour. Then, dot on the butter.

Remove the parchment from the top of the rolled out crust, and lifting from the bottom, gently flip it and place on top of the baking dish, with the bottom parchment on now top. Remove the parchment, and trim off any excess crust. Brush a little bit of milk lightly on the crust, and then sprinkle on just a little granulated sugar.
Cut little slits in the crust, and then bake until the crust is golden brown, about 25 to 35 minutes. Let the cobbler cool at least 10 minutes before serving. I think it’s best served hot, with some vanilla ice cream.
Technorati Tags: Cookbook, Dessert, eatlocal, Food, Photography, produce, recipe, Seattle
I have never seen a cobbler with a crust like that. It’s beautiful!
Lara, I’ve been trying to email you for ages – they keep bouncing back…
I love that vintage blue bakeware…such a pretty shade. I just made a blueberry and nectarine cobbler for the 4th of July. Mine had a drop biscuit topping. Actually I used the recipe from the front cover of the July Cooking Light, if you’ve seen it. I think reducing the amount of sugar in the fruit was definitely the right call:)
I’ve never had cobbler and i keep seeing them everywhere on the blogosphere at the moment. It sure looks gorgeous with your new vintage bakeware!
I love vintage kitchen items. I wish there’s more to get them from here. 🙂
Lovely bakeware and just perfect with the apricots.It must’ve been a winner at the potluck party1
I know. I have that same problem at the Cap Hill market. I’m always suckered into buying those apricot sacks perhaps thinking there will be a surprise at the bottom or something. Lovely cobbler though.
I often impulse-buy apricots, too. If they turn out to be not so tasty, then I make them into jam, which tastes like bottled sunshine in the winter. I’d never thought of pairing them with blueberries – sounds good.
The blueberry apricot combo is one of my favorites during summer, they also make a great jam btw! now I think I have to put a cobbler on my weekend baking list…
I was hoping to tag you for the following meme, which I just completed.
“I have been tagged to post 8 random facts. I have to post these rules before I give you the facts: Each participant posts eight random facts about themselves. Tagees should write a blogpost of eight random facts about themselves. At the end of the post, eight more bloggers are tagged. Go to their blog and leave a comment telling them they’re tagged.”
simple and perfect. love the blue, too!
I’m a great believer in blue cookware. They seem to bring out the color of food. Lovely cobbler!
firstly, that blue pot is screaming brilliance. it is THE perfect shade of blue. bravo. also, this is such a delightful marriage of fruits. i can’t seem to stop eating them in this warm weather. sadly, it has been a while since i had an apricot. can’t wait to try it. thank you for the recipe and handsome photographs 🙂
I think i’m too much of a control freak to buy a “grab bag”!
Lara – I am intrigued by the cobbler with this crust – no wonder you were drawn to the recipe. A great use of blueberries too, which I’m sure bled and made a beautifully juicy, dark blue stain.
Oh my! That cobbler looks diVINE! I must try it poste haste. Fabulous blue dishware as well. Love your site.
wow love the site, had to add to my blog, your food looks great
Apricots and blueberries…. so tasty and visually stunning. Thanks for the wonderful recipe.