STW Flicker challenge for September: A Room for Food

With my recent move, it’s not surprising that I’ve been thinking about spaces to shoot almost nonstop over the past few weeks. I have a new small studio dedicated to my photography, as well as a small area off the kitchen with lovely morning light. Both are going to be great… once I get used them and learn their unique lighting ins and outs. Right now, I’m kind of pulling my hair out trying to relearn how to shoot after a few weeks “off”, finding out if I can live with the wall colors or need to repaint, and coming up with a new natural light diffusion system.
So, in the spirit of celebrating the places that you shoot, let’s back up and get some context. Your shots should still be food still lifes, but back up a bit and incorporate some of the more interesting characteristics of where you shoot. Maybe the edge of a window, or the kitchen sink. Give your food some room!
The usual rules and are up on the Flickr group… the things like be constructive, take the photos during the month if possible, 3 photos per person and the last day will be around September 30th, give or take a few days.
Technorati Tags: Food, Food Styling, Meme, Photography, prop styling