What Should I Do with This?


Along with my madeleine sheet, I also found this little mold at Sur La Table. It was only $3, and looking into it made me kind of dizzy so I couldn’t pass it up. I think it hypnotized me… “buy me! take me home!

Anyway, now that it’s here, I’m not sure what to make with it. Really, I don’t even know what it is. Is it for cookies? or maybe cakes? tarts?

If you give me some suggestions, I’ll give them a try!

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0 thoughts on “What Should I Do with This?

  1. Gosh, I wish I was a baker as then I’d be able to suggest something. I’m going to keep checking back to see what type of tips you get!

    As for me, I think I’d set it on the table next to my bottle of wine and then I’d drink. See? That “kinda” helps, doesn’t it?


  2. how cute! I believe I saw this in Sur La Table yesterday. It would be adorable for bite size cakes with some type of glaze. The cups are pretty small and shallow aren’t they..like bite size?

    btw luv your blog. =)

  3. Yes, the cups are really small. I ended up making madeleines in it for the next post, and it worked well for that. Basically makes little donut hole sized treats. Yum!

    Thanks for the visit!

  4. Hi there, this mold looks just like the mold we use for making chinese egg sponge cakes – we call them kueh bolu in Singapore. They’re tiny cakes that we make from an ingredient list that’s almost the same as madeleines but sometimes the oil is omitted.

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