July Still Life With Flickr Theme: Sugar


Lots of new folks joining us in this pool! Welcome all! And thanks for your great photos.

Food in Black & White definitely created some stir… I think most of us agreed that the black and white treatment works beautifully for simple, individual ingredients… but I like that we had several entries that gave more complex dishes a shot as well. These were very different than their color alter-egos, and gave us lots to think about in terms of shading, lighting and form. Very well done everyone!

Now, on to this month’s theme: Sugar. You can do with this what you like, but sugar should be what your viewer thinks when they see the photo… maybe that’s granular sugar, but other things like cotton candy or even honey are great! Or, perhaps, get fancy and do some intricate sugar work. The only real restriction is please keep it to sugar specifically… not just any desserts.

Oh, and a special request – if you post a photo… please also try to comment on the other photos in the pool! We’re all looking for feedback, and I think each of us has our own perspective on what makes a good photo… we want to hear your opinion!

To play along, just head over to the Still Life With… group and add your work.

Submissions for sugar photos taken from now until July 31st. Have fun!

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