October Still Life WIth Flickr Theme: Play With Your Food


September’s theme, To Go, didn’t Go so well. With only a fraction of the participants of the People & Food from August, we had some nice entries, but nothing awe inspiring. Hopefully, October’s theme will generate more entries!

Sometimes, with food photography, we get so caught up in the details of exposure and color correction and DOF, we forget a key component: FUN. I was reminded of this last week while doing some RSS surfing and stumbled upon this little Photoshop masterpiece by Mamster of Roots & Grubs. And, following a link from a comment, I found this piece of brilliance which I learned that yes, you can put mustard on things.

Is this great photography? No. But, it sure is a great laugh. And it’s October, a month designed around gearing up for a bit of fun. So, let’s see some of your tricks & treats this month! Play with your food, and let us laugh along with you.

Along those lines, we’ll skip the critique part this month. Comments welcome, but don’t focus on photo quality issues.

The last day is October 31st. The usual rules and are up on the Flickr group.

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0 thoughts on “October Still Life WIth Flickr Theme: Play With Your Food

  1. Hi Lara—I get errors from your email, hence the commenting…

    While not Flickr, I thought you and your readers might enjoy some of our food imagery from CITY—most recently our Food Issue cover story where we had Fall’s most notable bags made into cakes (and playfully devoured of course). We have an online ezine where you can view entire issues, the cake story is in Issue 42:


    I’d love to know your thoughts.


  2. As soon as I saw this challenge my brain went into overdrive! I hope that you like what I have planned… I promise it will be something way too fun 😉

  3. hi L,
    i’d like to participate in this event, but i’m not sure how to send my flickr photo to enter it. can you explain it how?
    thanks so much!

  4. Lucy – Cool! Can’t wait to see what you come up with! There are some fun ones up there already if you need inspiriation.

    Hamish – Thanks… I found the problem link and it is now fixed.

    Kelly – Yay! With you, I’m sure it will be something magical.

  5. Eliza- Sure! First, you need to create a Flickr account (just go to http://www.flickr.com/). Then up load your photo or photos.

    Then, join the Still Life With Flickr group (use the link above to get to it quickly). Once you’ve joined a group, you just go to the photo you want to add, and pull down the menu for Send To Group.

  6. thanks so much lara! i did have a flickr account already, it’s so recently that i’m still in the dark of how to use it. my photo will on its way!

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