STW Challenge for June/July: Everyone is a Critic

I’m quite a bit late getting started on this month’s challenge, but I’m also incredibly inspired. I’ve just returned from Boston, from the International Food Styling & Photography conference, three jam-packed days of inspiration, education and socialization. My head is still so incredibly full, that I need to digest everything for a while before the post to figure out how to convey even a little bit back to you. But, I will be there soon!
In the meantime, one of the things that we spent time doing is thinking about what makes a great photo, which got me to thinking about this month’s theme. The whole point of this group is for feedback, sometimes positive and sometimes critical… but always feedback to help us improve, getting from photos that “aren’t terrible” to “pretty good” to “OMG. WOW. THAT IS AMAZING!!!!! GET IN MY TUMMY!”
So, this month, it’s up to you to pick photos you think are really representative of your work… something that when you see it, really captures who you are as a stylist or a photographer. A shot that you’d place in your portfolio, not because it’s perfect, but because it is so you. THEN, lead the way with a self critique in the description of the photo. Once you’ve done that, over the course of the challenge, pick at LEAST one other photo (not yours) to give a full critique for every photo you post. Don’t be shy, but don’t be nasty either.
Here are some things to think about in your critiques. How is the composition? The color? The white balance? The exposure? Are there little things that should be cropped out, or are there things that got cropped that shouldn’t have been? How is the lighting? How about the content? Does the food look inviting, mouthwatering, alive? Is there movement in the photo? Does the photo inspire you? Shock you?
Since I’m starting late, I’d like to take a bit of extra time with this theme, so you can post 3 photos in June and 3 in July. Also, take your time. Spread out your shots. I’d love to see people take the feedback from their photos in June, and make adjustments to their techniques in July to show what they’ve learned.
The usual rules and are up on the Flickr group… the things like be constructive, take the photos during the month if possible, 3 photos per person per month and the last day will be around July 31st, give or take a few days.
If you posted photos in the May theme and I haven’t left feedback yet, don’t worry…I’ll get there eventually!
Technorati Tags: Food, Food Styling, Meme, Photography
I’m very grateful for the extension… things have been insane, and I haven’t been able to do any of the fun photo things that I normally attend to.
I’m not so long out of (basic) photography classes, so look forward to this. Just need a tidge more time…!