A Month in Umbria


How do I even begin to tell the story of our 4 weeks in Umbria?

 Mg 4693-1619
Todi just before sunset

Rome & Florence were easy, by comparison. First, they were shorter… just a few days each. And, we did lots of the normal things… see the amazing architecture, visit the museums, eat lots of yummy food. In Umbria, I suppose, we did a lot of that too.

 Mg 3803-764 Mg 4752-9
 Mg 4295-1227 Mg 3790-751
 Mg 4114-1061 Mg 3812-773

scenes from around our Villa, a few km outside of Narni

But we did it all over Umbria… we put about 4,800 kilometers on our rental car. And we saw things that we would never see if we had only spent a week.

 Mg 4039-986 Mg 4059-1006
 Mg 4022-969 Mg 3850-809
 Mg 4042-989
 Mg 4375-1307 Mg 3772-733
 Mg 3771-732 Mg 3785-746
 Mg 3852-811 Mg 4083-1030

We saw the Dunarobba petrified forest, full of million year old Sequoia-like trees, that was discovered by a mining company. We rafted down a river (learning quite a bit of “rafting Italian” in the process), crossing under 1st century Roman bridges. We kept being amazed each time drove by yet another ancient town on a hilltop. We found small, local wineries with amazing bottles of Sagrantino for less than 10€. We picked figs from the fig tree right out our bedroom door.

 Mg 4450-1376
 Mg 4441-1367 Mg 4438-1364
 Mg 4460-1386 Mg 4454-1380
 Mg 4444-1370 Mg 4448-1374

around Norcia

We took a cooking class on a hillside outside Assisi, and toasted with homemade Prosecco and limoncino. We shaved fresh summer truffles from the local norcineria over freshly made manfricoli from the local pasta shop. We soaked up the sun on a beach in Le Marche, and visited the towns of Cam’s great grandmother and grandfather. We watched Prince Caspian, in Italian, in the village square in Narni(a).

 Mg 4703-1629
 Mg 4889-145 Mg 4890-146
 Mg 4864-121 Mg 4895-151
 Mg 4859-116 Mg 4885-141

 Mg 4848-105 Mg 4852-109
 Mg 3801-762 Mg 3826-787
 Mg 4802-59 Mg 4034-981
 Mg 4009-957-1 Mg 3824-785
More from around the villa

 Mg 4776-33 Mg 4313-1245
 Mg 4335-1267 Mg 4773-30-1
 Mg 4771-28 Mg 4362-1294
Figs, from the villa

 Mg 4743-33
 Mg 3751-712 Mg 4748-38

 Mg 4586-1512 Mg 4622-1548
 Mg 4629-1555 Mg 4612-1538
 Mg 4528-1454
 Mg 4552-1478 Mg 4564-1490
 Mg 4603-1529 Mg 4632-1558
Cooking class at Alla Madonna del Piatto

We hiked up and got drenched by a man-made waterfall… one that gets “turned off” at night. We sipped espresso a the geographic center of Italy. We walked across an ancient Roman bridge. We drove on roads that sheep might have had a hard time navigating. We got to ride in a tow truck. We toured Narni’s underground, and stood in chambers and cells that were used during the Inquisition. We saw the crypt of St. Francis. We feasted on gelato at the sagra della gelato and steak at the sagra della bistecca.

 Mg 3958-906 Mg 3931-886
 Mg 4179-1118
 Mg 4160-1100 Mg 4157-1098
 Mg 4164-1103 Mg 4231-1169
 Mg 4166-1105

Sagra della Gelato in Massa Martana and Sagra della Bistecca in Cortona

 Mg 4688-1614 Mg 4679-1605
 Mg 4668-1594 Mg 4649-1575
 Mg 4642-1568 Mg 4666-1592
 Mg 4639-1565 Mg 4647-1573
 Mg 4663-1589 Mg 4634-1560
Scenes from around Assisi

 Mg 4284-1216 Mg 3983-931
 Mg 4013-961 Mg 4294-1226
 Mg 4002-950 Mg 3963-911

Typical Umbrian Fare

 Mg 4711-1 Mg 4712-2
 Mg 4734-24
 Mg 4730-20 Mg 4705-2

Paolo Bea Winery

We sat and looked at the view of the green heart of Italy, and read a book or three. We ate from porchetta trucks. We went for runs in 85F along the country roads and hills, giving thanks for each shady spot and the soaking pool back at the villa. We had more gelato. We shopped in the local markets. We had a fantastic tour of our favorite winery.

 Mg 4238-1176-1
 Mg 4265-1197 Mg 4884-140
 Mg 4867-124-1 Mg 4241-1179
 Mg 4127-1070

We sat on the steps and watched the world go by. In other words, we had a great time. I recommend everyone find a way to do this at least once in your lifetime.

I know I promised a recipe with this post… but I think this post is a long enough as it is! So, a recipe, featuring my new favorite Italian ingredient, will be along next time. Can you guess what it is? Here’s a hint… there is only one photo of it in this post…

0 thoughts on “A Month in Umbria

  1. Your pictures make me long to go there myself! Simply breathtaking – especially, the simple pictures that look like they are right out of a travel magazine. What an incredible trip! Thanks, so much, for sharing a bit of it with us now that you are back!

  2. Your photos are breathtaking and amazing. They show the beauty and the wonderful time you had while there. What kind of camera are you using?

  3. Simply breathtaking. Seriously. I’ve been to Italy several times and have always enjoyed my visits, but I’ve never done Umbria. I must be missing out!

    Your new favorite ingredient… would that be Italian plums? Pomgranates(?)?? Looking forward to coming back to check! Thanks for sharing your great experience.

  4. We just spent four weeks in Calabritto a small village close to Salerno. We were there for a family wedding and with the time spent with the family in London we were away from home (in South Africa) for 6 weeks! We’ve decided we should go away this long every 5 years (and if it could be to Italy even better!). While it is very hard to get back into a work routine we are relaxed and recharged like we haven’t been in years. Now we just have to deal with missing the tomatoes, ricotta, blood orange juice, the seafood pickle salad, gelato and salami.

  5. One of my favourite city is in Umbria and i prefer Umbria to Toscania. I just took a coffee in Todi on the road between Perugia and Roma, few hours before the finale of the Mundial Word football cup (France lost, Italian won), it was simply marvellous and quiet. i love your pictures.

  6. Wow. Makes me so homesick for Italy! Spent a month in the same area in 2006. Yes everyone should definitely go! It changes you…at least it did me. Thank you for your photo journal. Brought back dome lovely memories. Ciao.

  7. I love your photos a lot. I had never knew about Umbria until I came across this. It’s just feel so calm, peace and relax. Seems like it’s a great hideout from the busy and hectic big city.

  8. I spent one month in Unbria some years ago. Checking out your photos I feel I must go back. It is a wonderful place. Thank you a lot for giving me back my lovely memories for a few minutes trough your pictures.

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