Field Trip Anyone?
Any Seattlite food bloggers out there interested in heading down to the Bay area with me later this month for the Art of the Cookbook panel at the Ferry Building Marketplace? This looks like it will be a great talk as it features Christopher Hirsheimer and Peggy Knickerbocker talking about what it takes to produce a cookbook, from the initial spark to getting it through publication. Plus, if you stick around San Francisco through Saturday, there’s a book signing and breakfast event to celebrate the release of The San Francisco Ferry Plaza Farmer’s Market Cookbook.
I’m dreaming about visiting this place but meanwhile I could enjoy this book, thanks for sharing it.
Hey Lara! I think I met with you once or twice when you were in IIS. I ran across your blog via some foodie links and think it is phenomenal! The field trip sounds like fun, but pastry school is consuming most of my time right now. We should get together when I can produce something more photo worthy than a poolish or biga.
Yes, the book looks great. And, I’ll write up what I learn from the panel so everyone can learn!
Yvonne – Hi… wow, that was a long time ago… Thanks for the kind words! WHere are you going to pastry school? I’d be happy to take some shots.
Hi Lara,
Are you coming down tomorrow for this? I’m thinking of driving in from Sacramento.
BTW, I just read every single entry on your photography blog. So wonderfully useful, thank you for all those great articles and tutorials! I find that the photography interests me even more than the cooking. Lighting is always a challenge, so I just bought the light you recommended on your site from Amazon.
Anyway, if you are coming down here, please let me know. That may be the motivation I need for the long drive.
Simply Recipes