In The Kitchen with Design Sponge
I hope you made it to Design Sponge last week to see Bea’s beautiful recipes. I have to say when I saw her lovely post appear, knowing full well that mine would be up next, I was quite nervous because I knew I’d better come up with something good to follow! While my sesame-vanilla ice cream may not have the same eye-poppingly gorgeous spring colors, I can promise you that the recipe is well worth trying.

If you haven’t been to Design Sponge before, you are definitely in for a treat. So much to browse through and add to your secret desires list. I am very excited that Kristina asked me to be a little part! You can find the ice cream recipe and a little more about it here.
Thank you so much for sharing your recipe with D*S today! It was such an honor to have your recipe, and your lovely photos, on the site
Next to your Udon photos, these are my favorite shots of yours. Amazing stuff. Great value and tone balance.
Black sesame seed yum, I’d like a bowl please! These shots are so much fun and you look great there
Oh! and I can’t wait to learn more from you first hand!
Those photos are absolutely eye candy! Beautiful!
Congratulations! Your photos are beautiful as always.
Just gorgeous! Lovely looking photos! Now on to Design Sponge to get this intriguing recipe
Lara, you are amazing. I love the ice cream. I want some!
It’s 8:45 a.m. Is that too early to want ice cream?
Also, thanks for introducing me to Design*Sponge. What a great site!
I just popped over from the Design*Sponge post. I was so happy to see Grace do a feature about you, your amazing photos, and your yummy recipes. I’m not much of a chef, but this recipe sounds too good not to try.
Congrats on the feature…it was great!
Best – c