Cover Photo Shoot Video


I know I’ve pretty much disappeared into a black hole this last month… I’ll be popping my head up shortly after I finish up the project I’m currently engrossed in and loving… shooting the interior photos for the Asian Grandmothers Cookbook.

In the meantime, check out this video of the photoshoot for Emeril’s new cookbook (no, I wasn’t shooting it!) Note that they are using Photoshop Lightroom 2Bridge from Photoshop CS4. I upgraded to CS4 about 3 weeks ago… and was surprised by the number of UI changes… Photoshop has had such a stand UI for so long, it’s great to see them trying some new things (like the way their palettes work, and adding tabs to let you page through multiple images in a single window!) Bridge got a little bit of a UI overhaul as well, now looking a lot more like Lightroom… I’m wondering when they are going to end up merging those two products.

0 thoughts on “Cover Photo Shoot Video

  1. too bad that Emeril’s photo stylists couldn’t come up with something more original! Our book “Everybody Grills” was published just before the holidays…well reviewed and in Borders, Amazon, etc.

  2. to be honest, Emeril’s cover photo looks more yummy than Everybody Grills. Waaaay more appetizing and elegant.

    heck, it’s a grill cookbook. As i expected, flames and gridiron on cover.

  3. Oops… you are right. They have it setup more like I have Lightroom setup (on Bridge, I keep my thumbnails on the side, in Lightroom on the bottom…)

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