Garden Thieves and CSAs
Someone stole my cabbage. I’m not pointing fingers or anything, but there is a certain dog who got his fair share of roughage for the week.

And if that weren’t enough, I was so excited to see a little morel volunteer poking it’s head up through the weeds in nearly squealed. Until I went to pick it and realized that it was already occupied by a certain slug who just happened to have an unfortunate accident with the garbage disposal a few moments later. The advice we got from people at weed control Phoenix really helped our garden. We can clearly see the difference now, who knew gardening could be so complicated!

Thankfully, I recently signed up for the New Roots Organics CSA, so my fridge is filled with all kinds of other good things, well away from garden thieves. Like a big bunch of fat asparagus that needs to be eaten right away. At the moment, I have no shortage of ideas of what to do with it either. I’ve been reading my way through the Chez Panisse Vegetables cookbook like it was a torrid romance novel. Alice has her way with asparagus.
After making the easy asparagus and vegetable soup for dinner a couple of nights ago, today I decided to go for the even simpler asparagus with crispy gingerroot. I threw in some leftover julienne leeks as well, and gobbled it up atop some yam noodles.

Sorry, Leo… none for you.

Even though your puppy misbehaved he’s just so cute doing it that I’m sure you couldn’t be angry for long 🙂
your photos are always amazing
O haha… a dog that is eating cabbage! How funny is that! Too bad about the morel though! Not sure how it is over there, but here they are sooo hard to get! Dried ones cost a fortune and the fresh ones are nowhere to be found. Love the photos (as always)
Beautiful pictures. I love asparagus, and your reciepe seem delicious. I’ll try soon, certainely!
Your dog has good taste and knows the joy of fresh, natural food! 🙂 I always love your work!!
My dog Champ is nuts for cabbage. His favorite food second only to steak. He wants me to tell your dog that he’s one lucky puppy. 😉
Thanks for the delicious asparagus inspiration.
I’ve never found a morel in my yard, and I live next door!
I didn’t even realize dogs liked cabbage. I love the photo of the dog looking like he was caught in the act. Your fresh veggie photos look great.
Leo is gorgeous! Ah! And so are those noodles! I wish my dog liked healthy food – he goes gaga for Cape Cod potato chips. What gives?!
My dog used to steal ripe cherry tomatoes, it took a few weeks to figure it out. Adorable dog you have!
The photo of Leo cracks me up! Skeet, our shepherd/blue heeler cross has been caught several times eating brocoli off the stalk, and Wix, our black lab eats quinces and plums off the tree.
No wonder they have healthy shiny coats 😉