SLW Photo Remake July


I knew at some point for these remakes, I’d resort to this. Remaking the 1974 Weight Watcher’s recipe card photos. How can you not love something called Rosy Perfection Salad? or Frankfurter Spectacular? or Mackerelly?!? But of course, my all time favorite has got to be the Fluffy Mackerel Pudding. I mean, come on.. it’s fluffy, it’s pudding and it’s fish, mackerel no less (what is it with these cards and mackerel?)!
Anyway… yes, this month’s challenge is all about creating these masterpieces of the 70s. Pick whichever card you want, and remake it in the spirit of that card. You can go one of two ways with it this month: you can remake the photo so it looks like the original or you can remake the recipe in a more modern and, well, aesthetically pleasing way. Since you won’t have the original recipes, you will have to get a bit creative. I’m not exactly sure what is in Snappy Mackerel Casserole myself, but I bet I can have fun making it up.

If you are new to the monthly photo challenges, head over to the Flickr group for the rules and to introduce yourself.

This challenge will run through the end of July.

0 thoughts on “SLW Photo Remake July

  1. How can I have never heard of this site before! I don’t know about you, but the Salmon Mousse sounds deeelicious lol

  2. This is going to be interesting! I loved Candyboots’ dry captions for each card, cracked me up. Will be travelling for 2 weeks this month so will be tight on time, but this should be fun!

  3. Oh good lord. I’ve been wanting to try one of your challenges but I won’t be starting here. Wow, I think I’m speechless. Can’t wait to see the results.

  4. haha, this is completely hysterical! This is going to be the hardest challenge yet…

    It does beg the question – How on earth did we ever survive the 70′!!!

  5. Tee hee, turned around to my bookcase here at work and pulled out a set of recipe cards from 1971, Betty Crocker !!! MMmMmM, melon balls.

    xo, Biggles

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