35 thoughts on “Doughnuts, The Cookbook Trailer

    1. Thanks Victoria! No, no help. Just me in the studio with lots of running back and forth between the front and back of the camera. I had to build little “stand in me”s to get the focus where I wanted it (and it didn’t always work). There are some hilarious out takes. Will put some of those up next week.

  1. Wonderful, Lara! I was intrigued to follow the focal points you selected, focusing on the still ingredients, say, while the action took place further back. It worked on lots of levels …

    1. Thanks Alanna… some of that was intentional… some of that I will totally admit was by chance because it’s crazy hard to get the perfect focus when you are trying to be both in front of and behind the camera! Especially with a tilt-shift lens. 🙂 (But I thought it kind of worked too. 🙂 )

  2. Very nice! But your book is already on my “must acquire” list. Had a bit of problem with the music being way louder than your voice. Lovely the way you show how easy you teach us to make doughnuts! Perhaps some of the out takes should be at the end of the video. (Haven’t decided whether to try your chocolate cake doughnuts or fritters tomorrow…)

  3. Ciao Lara, ti ho scoperto solo oggi!!! Complimenti, adoro i doughnuts e tanti altri dolcetti americani… provero’ sicuramente a breve la tua ricetta.. mi ispira! 🙂
    Un bacio

  4. Hello Lara,
    I would ask you some doubts:
    – What is the secret for soft Doughnuts?
    – If I save glazed Doughnuts in an airtight container for a few hours, the glaze had disappeared and Doughnuts are wet, why?
    – Next day to Doughnuts, these are hard. Why?
    I invite you to know my blog. It is write in catalan, but in the top of blog there is a gadget translater. I will be really pleasured for your visit.
    You can answere me in my mail.
    Thanks for all,
    Mglòria from Gourmenderies

    1. Mglòria-

      Great questions!

      As the doughnuts sit, some amount of oil will come to the surface. When that interacts with the glaze, it melts and gets gooey as you describe. I’m sure there are preservatives that chain doughnut shops add to help hold the glaze, but if you are making them at home, the best advise I have for you is to make sure the doughnuts sit on a rack for a little bit before you glaze them to get off as much of the oil as possible, and then eat fast!

      As for the doughnuts getting hard the next day… most doughnuts will. I’ve had slightly better luck with ones that use a higher protein flour (I use bread flour). In general, for yeast raised doughnuts, breadflour and a bit more yeast than you might expect really help the texture.

      Hope that helps!

  5. Love the video. Have never baked doughnuts yet but am going to this weekend.
    Can’t wait to see your book.

    I read somewhere that you can freeze the doughnuts soon after you make them but before they’re glazed. They can be warmed in the microwave. Have never tried this though.

  6. Dear Lara, thank you very much for:
    1. Answer me in so quickly
    2. Ressoldre my doubts
    3. Visit my blog
    4. Leave a comment on my blog (few people do)
    Finally I got your book, since I bought it before it went on sale. I am missing more pictures, especially since we are not speaking English is easier to follow, and because I love looking at pictures of books pastries, but nevertheless this book for me is quite a reference!
    Thank you for everything
    Mglòria de Gourmenderies

  7. Got my book today! It’s funtabulous! I’ve already made the cake donuts with a simple glaze and they are fabulous! I intend to try more. I live rurally and there are no donut shops with 70 miles of us in any direction. I plan on becoming more popular than the local game warden with these donut treats I’ll be sharing with my friends.

    Thanks for a fabulous book! I loved the video too, and yes, those truffles will be wonderful!

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