A Trip to Thailand, Part 2
[go to A Trip to Thailand, Part 1]
After Bangkok, we spent 4 days riding down the coast on bike with Grasshopper Adventures. I can’t say enough great about seeing a country by bike (especially when fully supported and with great local guides, ilke our guides Tammy, Anna and Mr. Wow!). We biked from 30 to 40 miles each day through little beach towns and farming communities. We stopped frequently, at little side of the road fruit markets, ornate temples, mangrove forests, shrimp sorting tables, fantastic Thai lunches, an aquarium filled with school children, rubber tree orchards, hungry monkeys, fish drying tables and coconut farms. It was hot riding (especially for those of us from the Northwest!). At one point, I stopped worrying about sunburn and started worrying that my muscles might be cooking like a chicken. Thank goodness for frequent rest breaks with the freshest pineapple and cold wet washcloths kept in the support van.

This was definitely more than I’ve ever ridden before, and although I was tired each day, I was also exhilarated. I was also ready for the beach… more on the rest of our trip.