Five things to eat before you die


Matt tagged me for this meme created by the incomparable Melissa of Traveler’s Lunchbox over a week ago, and I’ve been all tangled up in knots about it… not because I wasn’t thrilled to be tagged… but because I just crumble when it comes to prioritizing lists… I’ll come up with one thing thing and blank on everything else I want to add, and then the dam will break and I’ll be flooded with things that simply must be listed. And priorites? Forget about it. Not when it comes to food! That’s comparing apples and oranges literally.

Still, I’ve loved reading everyone else’s list and hungrily picking off things that I must now try. So I figured I’ll throw a few things out there and maybe as I write them down, they will stick.

A bowl of freshly picked berries off of your own bushes. The kind doesn’t matter, just that you grew them, picked them and popped them in your mouth. Simply heaven.

Tuna Sashimi – straight off of the fish while you are still on the boat. I haven’t actually done this yet, but it’s been one of those things I’ve always wanted to do. No soy or wasabi needed.

Barbecued octopus whilst sitting out on a patio in Athens, Greece. Forget any prior experiences of octopus you may have had… this is the stuff… crisp and smokey on the outside and hardly a hint of the rubbery bite you expect. A traditional greek salad to go along side, and you’ve got a meal and a half. I’ll pass on the ouzo though.

Real Neapolitan Pizza. Ideally in Italy, but if you can’t make it there, find a pizzeria that has been officially “blessed” by the Associazione Vera Pizza Napoletana like Tutta Bella in Seattle.

The Ferroni family recipe for butter tarts, fresh from the oven. Cameron’s father prefers them cold, but Cam and I always sneak a couple while they are still warm enough that they might burn the tops of our mouths. Pure sugary bliss.

Oh dear. That’s 5 isn’t it. I haven’t even mentioned a cup of espresso brewed from your own beans, a bowl of homemade pear gelato, a freshly baked madeleine at the end of a long day of skiing, a purely local and seasonal meal…

I’m passing on the tagging this time… but if you want to participate, the call is open to all bloggers!

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0 thoughts on “Five things to eat before you die

  1. I had the same though time choosing. Even if it had been my top fifty it?Ǭ¥d have been hard, but o well. Your list looks lovely. I?Ǭ¥m very jealous of the strawberry bushes.

  2. Yes!
    Everytime I read another one of these lists, I want to add 5 more to mine. I guess it’s well over 50 now. Love the strawberry. And the butter tart, wow. What if you made that with dried blue berries instead of raisins?

  3. Pizza is definitely on my list as well. And anything grown with your own hands tastes about a thousand times better than anything that you buy. I wish I had some berry bushes in my yard! Picking 5 is so hard. Nicely done.

  4. OK, it’s hard to believe but at least a couple of these would have been on mine as well. I’m surprised that Penne Pomodoro in a square in Italy didn’t make your list! But the Butter Tarts – OMG – great call.

  5. Hi Lara,
    o, I found it as well so difficult to choose only five things for my list; seemed even quite impossible (!) I?¢‚Ǩ‚Ñ¢m really glad so many others have listed stuff I really like and certainly want to try…
    I love your outcome; all nine!! =)

  6. Delicious list, Lara. I love the sound of barbecued octopus and tuna sashimi. Mmmmmmm…

    That’s one gorgeous photograph of strawberry!!!

  7. WOW, those butter tarts look divine. They’re definitely on my list now – my ‘to make soon’ list!

    And it is funny to see what five things make it to the top when we’re forced to decide, isn’t it? I feel like I left off about a hundred of my favorite foods…

  8. Lara this is a great list! I had the hardest time trying to narrow mine down to five things also! I finally just started writing things down and randomly chose five while trying to keep it somewhat diverse. It’s an impossible task really 🙂

  9. Thanks all for your kind words. I’m so behind on comments right now! But I’m really glad that folks enjoyed my additions to the list! And, can I just say, WOW to the list that Melissa has pulled together! So many great foods to try! Why oh why is there so little time to try them!

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