STW Flickr Challenge for January: Cheers!
Let’s ring in the new year with a challenges on drinks, shall we? Styling and shooting beverages is often even more tricky than shooting food… there is less going on with the subject, and when something does happen, it doesn’t usually happen for very long! Not to mention, we are trained to expect a glass to have a perfect layer of condensation or a cup to have spiraling swirls of steam.
This month, please post your drink shots… they can be cocktails, wine, milk, pop, coffee, tea or water… just make sure the beverage is the main subject, and not just hanging out in the background. In addition, please use the description to explain what you did with the shots, particularly for lighting or styling, so we can all learn.
I’ll also start up a discussion for tips and tricks for styling beverages… things like canned air is great at reviving the head on a beer.
The usual rules and are up on the Flickr group… the things like be constructive, take the photos during the month if possible, 3 photos per person and the last day will be around January 31st give or take a few days.
I stumbled onto your website a few weeks ago and have spent the whole time on picking up tips and tricks. This site is just amazing for the “how to’s” of food photography. Thank you again L. I look forward to participating in your Flickr group. happy new year
Happy New Year to you too Peter (a bit belated, sorry about that!)